
Urgent Funding Needs

January 25, 2023

On behalf of ACLEDA-Jardines Education Foundation ("AJF") and in capacity of Chairman of AJF, we would like to inform you all that in this 2023, the Board of Directors of AJF has approved to build additional three concreted primary school buildings of which one is in Preah Vihear and other two is in Oddar Meanchey in accordance with the design standard and modality of the Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports. The budget for these additional three primary school buildings will cost at least US$170,000 (One Hundred Seventy Thousand US Dollars).

The Foundation plans to build and complete these three concreted primary school buildings within this 2023. These construction projects will be directly managed, supervised and monitored by a team of experienced and professional engineers of ACLEDA Bank Plc. Please kindly find the current photos of three school buildings which the Foundation plans to replace with a concreted school building below:

(1) Current primary school building in Preah Vihear Province

(2) Current two primary school buildings in Oddar Meanchey Province

We are very pleasure for seeking your kind contributions in any cent in Khmer Riels or US Dollar into these projects for helping our Cambodian's children to have a proper school building and studying equipment for their study with peace of mind, comfortability and convenience.

Your any cent in Khmer Riels or US Dollar into these projects are your ownership of these projects and invaluable contributions into the real need of Cambodian's child community in very remote areas who are very keening to access to at least basic education.

Please kindly contact via email address at info@ajf.org.kh or phone number at +855 23 998 777 / 430 999 (extension at 11040) for any cent in Khmer Riels or US Dollar or in kind (studying materials) donation through online donation or other means.

Thank you for considering a donation to support us. We pledge to value your trust and use your donation to provide the highest quality of care to our beneficiaries.

Faithfully yours,

PROM Visoth
Chairman of AJF

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