December 27, 2024
AJF now invites qualified bidders for new construction at Chamkar Leu Primary School, Chamkar Leu Village, Chamkar Leu Commune, Thala Boriwath District, Stung Treng Province. All eligible bidders from eligible source countries can download, fill up form as condition in bids document attach with and submitted to Mr. Meas Socheat, 015 500 728, #61, Preah Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Srah Chork, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh at/by 04:00 P.M. on 16 January 2025 (Cambodia Standard Time) with seal. The file should in original Hard of (1) Ethical Form, (2) Appendix (3) BoQ & Milestone, and (3) Appendix (4) Bids Clarification Form.
The qualified bidder has not engaged in corrupt or fraudulent, coercive, collusive or obstructive practices in completing or in executing, a bidding will be evaluation, recommend by AJF's project committee and approved by chair of board director of AJF.
AJF looks forward to receive your qualified bids document and thank you in advance for your bidding in AJF procurement opportunities!
Please download and complete the bidding documents

Our 12th Project is Successfully Completed
July 01, 2024
ACLEDA-Jardines Educational Foundation completed its twelfth Trapeang Pring Primary School, located in Chamraeun Village, Srae Sangkum Commune, Kaoh Nheaek District, Mondul Kiri Province, on June 28, 2024. And already gave to principle for using on July 01, 2024. We are appreciated and welcome to our 13th.
Urgent Funding Needs
January 25, 2023
On behalf of ACLEDA-Jardines Education Foundation ("AJF") and in capacity of Chairman of AJF, we would like to inform you all that in this 2023, the Board of Directors of AJF has approved to build additional three concreted primary school buildings of which one is in Preah Vihear and other two is in Oddar Meanchey...