Continuous Funding Needs
In my capacity as Chairman of the ACLEDA-Jardines Education Foundation ("AJF"), it is my honour and pleasure to inform you that we have now commenced work to build schools in remote, under privileged areas of Cambodia. In December 2018 the Board of Directors of AJF have allocated funds and approved the building of our first two primary school buildings.
The two buildings are being constructed to a design approved by the Ministry Of Education, Youth and Sport (MEYS) to meet their exacting requirements. The MEYS is engaged throughout the process to ensure the governments long term support for the school facility and the provision of appropriate teaching staff, teaching materials and all other required teaching software.
The first two schools are located in Oddar Meanchhey and in Rattanak Kiri provinces. These locations were chosen in consultation with all the ACLEDA Bank's branches throughout Cambodia, local authorities and MEYS.
The buildings are constructed of concrete, steel and bricks and replace existing inadequate wooden and shelters. Each new school building has five classrooms with sanitary facilities and will be equipped with standard school furniture in accordance with the design and functionality specified by the MEYS. Each 5 class-room school is designed to accommodate 100 students and is sized for the needs of the local community as agreed with the authorities and MEYS.
The funding required for each primary school building of this size and government specification is about US$75,000. The final price for each school will depend on location, labour and logistics costs for construction manpower and materials.
The AJF started to build these first two primary school buildings in December 2018 and they are on schedule to be completed in June 2019. The construction project is being managed, supervised and monitored by a team of experienced and qualified engineers of ACLEDA Bank. By this methodology the AJF ensures that each US$ spent by the foundation is used to build the schools and achieve the ultimate objective of giving ALL the children of Cambodia a chance of an education.
Below are some photographs of school buildings in the remote rural areas of Cambodia that the AJF have identified to be replaced with permanent concrete school structures subject to MEYS approval. As you can see, more schools across rural Cambodia are urgently needed, if you can, please help.